About The MoveZen Management Team

Most Innovative Company In The Single-Family Property Management Industry


Owned. Founded in Wilmington North Carolina, since 2006


5 Star Reviews Across 7 Diverse Locations. A Testament To Consistency


Of Our Owners, Own Less Than 2 Properties. Most Are Mom & Pop Accidental Landlords

Top 5%

Nationally For Property Management Locations Due To Our Proven System.(Buildium Report 2023)


Locations Across 7 Distinct Major Markets, NC, SC, VA


Our Revenue Growth Rate Since 2019, With No Fee Increases


We’ve Donated Over $40k (Typically During Matching Pledges) to Mostly Local Charities, on Your Behalf

Since 2020

We’ve Sent 80 Cents of Every Dollar Collected to Our Owners, Proving the Benefits of a Resident Satisfaction Model

INC 5000

MoveZen is a Proud Recipent of the 2024 INC 5000 List of the Nations Top Companies, by INC Magazine

Putting the Customer in Property Management

Customer Focused, Tech-Savvy, Knowledgeable Property Management

MoveZen Property Management company has earned 1000+ five-star reviews across multiple metros, while navigating the tremendously difficult rental management environment of 2020 – 2023. We have grown dramatically without losing touch with our small town roots, culture, and focus on customers first.

Explore more about our local location teams & their consistent 5-star service

Mission Statement : Updated 2023

Constantly improve the rental housing management process to dramatically benefit both residents and rental owners through the magic of an amazing, innovative team.

Deliver the best resident satisfaction in the nation, combined with leading and constantly improving knowledge of the modern rental market.

Innovate at every level, all of the time. Above all, hunt for win-win opportunities that bring all parties together, then communicate those benefits to achieve truly special results.

Spread our innovative customer-first approach as a national leader in the industry, to the benefit of all parties from residents and owners, to vendors and staff.

Maintain a culture that drives relentlessly toward excellence, a golden rule philosophy, and treating every home, lease, need, and cost, as if it’s our own.

Learn more about the $40K+ That MoveZen has donated to mostly likely charities

  • While it wasn’t reported in the studies we follow, our company is likely in the top 1% globally in terms of our ratio of owners to properties, because we’ve always focused on accidental landlords who prefer to have an able captain pilot the ship. This means less than 7% of our entire customer base own more than 2 rentals that we manage (excluding multi-family). Most of our accounts are one single-family home, one owner. We are truly a mom and pop organization. Our model has always been built with you, and accidental landlords in mind first.
  • Top 5% nationally by number of locations
  • Thousands of 5 Star Reviews built up over a decade, across an entire state. Our model has proven it will deliver our mantra across space and time. “Consistent, long-term results with little headache”
  • Top 13% nationally by staff count.
  • Top 14% by number of units managed.
  • Over 90% of our growth has been self-funded by current operations, meaning no margin for error at any point. In contrast to most of our competition that is funded with low interest corporate bonds, and rarely needs to show much of a profit

Victory Property Management to MoveZen

Why the Name Change?

MoveZen Property Management was once Named Victory
MoveZen Property Management Company Logo

MoveZen began as an idea for a spin-off almost exactly 10 years ago. It was intended to offer a dynamic set of a la carte services to other property management companies because we were so confident in our abilities with specific aspects of management such as rental marketing and leasing. In our business ,it’s difficult to genuinely paint a clear picture for customers as to who the leaders are at getting bottom-line results. However, other companies always know our results well (we are heavily imitated), and we felt it offered an opportunity to get on a much faster path to our goals. MoveZen is still family-owned by the Victory Property Management founder.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) the resources and boldness needed to run two similar companies in a small town like Wilmington, NC proved elusive, and we laser-focused on building the best customer service model in the business, then offering those results and services to local brokers across the country. With hopes of offering our advantages and low-headache long-term results to mom-and-pop investors across the nation. Delivering a powerful and crucial tool for small investors in an industry that’s increasingly being overrun by a small group (literally mostly hedge funds, private equity, and even Silicon Valley venture capital) who profit immensely while plotting more ways to corner the market to then outsource results and the customer experience to bots and automation. 

Independent Account Managers

Lynn Setzer

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Lynn Setzer Licensed Broker Independent Account Manager

Erika Daniels

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Erika Daniels MoveZen Independent Account Manager

Daniel Oporta

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company

Julie Moore

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company

Marques Washington

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company

Tanya Carlson

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company

Bryona Tinsley

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company

Taneka Kimbrough

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company

Celeste Kosek

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Celeste Kosek leading property management broker movezen

Amber Barefoot

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Amber Barefoot Licensed Independent Property Manager

Customer Account Managers

Jennifer Harper

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company

Rachel McLaughlin

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Rachel McLaughlin Licensed Broker and Leading Property Manager.

Ashley Wenzel

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Ashley Wenzel MoveZen Leadership Team-.

Katie Shaver

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Katie Shaver Winston-Salem Greensboro Property Management Company.

Coming Soon

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
NewMoveZenPropertyManager. Staff. Employee

Maddie Spicuzza

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Maddie Spicuzza Exceptional Rental Home Manager.

Amber Reavis

Customer Account Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Amber Reavis Raleigh NC Property Manager and Broker.

Cat Worlds

Southeast Wake Territory Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Cat Worlds Customer Service Property Management Company.

Accounting & Operations

Jacob Baptista

Customer Accountant

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Jacob Baptista Experienced Property Management Accounant

Dylan Java

Operations Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Dylan Java MoveZen Property Management Opertations Division.

Technical Support Team

Kathleen Marshall

Customer Support Specialist

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Kathleen Marshall of MoveZen Property Management Company

Hayli Mace

Marketing Support Specialist

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company

CJ Davis

Customer Support Specialist

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
NewMoveZenPropertyManager. Staff. Employee

Will Hall

Accounting Support Specialist

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
NewMoveZenPropertyManager. Staff. Employee

Leadership Team

Catherine Pitney

General Manager

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Catherine Pitney General Manager.

Lynn Setzer

Leadership & Training

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Lynn Setzer Licensed Broker Independent Account Manager

Ashlee Malone

Chief Accountant

Contact Highly Reviewed MoveZen Property Management Company
Ashlee Malone, Chief Accountant.

Alisha Robbins


MoveZen on LinkedIn
MoveZen COO Alisha Robbins.

RE Hunter


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RE Hunter MoveZen CEO MoveZen